Saturday, 1 March 2014

Episode 8 // Mathematics

This week's episode explores the strange intersection of religion and mathematics, working through religious traditions of numerology and numeric typologies, fractals and their relationship to Daoism and Godel, Kepler's theological contemplations, and set theory's relationship to Schoenberg's serialism. It's a messy and cursory leap through deep oceans of provocative, nuanced and critical discourse spanning centuries of religious and intellectual thinking -- prodding the many mathematical conceptualizations of existence, meaning, and the paradoxical finitude/infinitude of the universe itself.

The image below is of a 15th-century 'thangka' painting from Tibet. It is a set of four mandalas depicting the esoteric teachings of the Vajravali cycle, often accredited to the 11th-century pandit Abhayakaragupta. It is composed of recursive numeric patterns similar to those of mathematical 'fractals'.

episode download: [forthcoming]

0:00:22 - station id: Jack Layton
0:00:33 - promo: cfrc twitter
0:00:45 - De La Soul - 'The Magic Number'
0:04:01 - Loscil - 'Triton'
0:0":""' - talking: triton, fractals and Daoism, Kepler and Pythagoras' 'music of the spheres' [1], [2], [3] 
0:10:45 - Damien Jurado - 'Magic Number'
0:13:55 - Emperor X - 'Sfearion'
0:18:14 - Laurie Spiegel - 'Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds'
0:28:53 - Boris - 'Six, Three Times'
0:31:45 - Pixies - 'Monkey Go To Heaven'
0:34:44 - ad: vapours concert at modern fuel
0:34:53 - ad: living live at modern fuel
0:36:31 - Slowdive - '40 Days'
0:39:47 - Hammock - 'God Send Us a Signal'
0:0":""' - talking: 40 as a biblical number, 666 and Nero, Bertrand Russell, Godel, [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
0:44:20 - Laurel Halo - 'Hour Logic'
0:53:27 - BADBADNOTGOOD - 'CS60'

1:00:18 - ad: kingston canadian film festival
1:01:25 - promo: wunderground presented by qtv and cfrc
1:02:10 - ad: a tribe called red
1:02:55 - station id: stereolab
1:03:07 - Fever Ray - 'Seven'
1:08:17 - Autre Ne Veut - 'Two Days of Rain'
1:11:07 - Sandra McCracken - '980 Anne Steele'
1:16:04 - Tony Conrad & Faust - 'From the Side of the Machines'
1:1":""' - talking: 99 and 'amen', serialism, [10], [11]
1:21:05 - Duke Ellington - 'Ninety-Nine Percent'
1:23:00 - Arnold Schoenberg - 'Psalm 130 (De Profundis, Op. 150)'
1:28:22 - Logos - 'Ex 101'

"...[N]ot by renunciation alone can we build a temple for the worship of our own ideals. Haunting foreshadowings of the temple appear in the realm of imagination, in music, in architecture, in the untroubled kingdom of reason, and in the golden sunset magic of lyrics, where beauty shines and glows, remote from the touch of sorrow, remote from the fear of change, remote from the failures and disenchantments of the world of fact. In the contemplation of these things the vision of heaven will shape itself in our hearts, giving at once a touch stone to judge the world about us, and an inspiration by which to fashion to our needs whatever is not incapable of serving as a stone in the sacred temple."
- Bertrand Russell

"Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting."
- Gottfried Leibniz

"Whatsoever is, is in God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived."
- Baruch Spinoza

"Religion may also be developed as a philosophical system built on axioms. In our time rationalism is used in an absurdly narrow sense …. Rationalism involves not only logical concepts. Churches deviated from religion which had been founded by rational men."
- Kurt Godel

"Religion is the vision of something which stands beyond, behind and within the passing flux of immediate things; something which is real, and yet waiting to be realized; something which is a remote possibility, and yet the greatest of present facts; something that gives meaning to all that passes, and yet eludes apprehension..."
- Alfred North Whitehead

Further Info:
[1] Daoism and Fractals by James Miller (Video Lecture)
[2] Fractals and 'Godel, Escher, Bach' (MIT Video Lecture)
[3] Laurie Spiegel and Kepler's Harmony of the Worlds (New Yorker Article)
[4] Apocalyptic Literature and 666 in the Book of Revelation (Yale Video Lecture)
[5] Number 40 in Religion (Wikipedia Article)
[6] Mathematics and Religion (Video Discussion)
[7] 'Mysticism and Logic' by Bertrand Russell (Essay Collection)
[8] Godel's 'Proof of God'
[9] Godel's Incompletetness Theorem (MIT Video Lecture)
[10] Early Christian Letters and the Number 99 with AnneMarie Luijendijk (HarvardX Video Discussion)
[11] Dissertation on Schoenberg's Psalms and Serialism (PDF)

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